How to make money on YouTube ?

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The trend of earning money through the internet is increasing day by day. People have started realizing that the future of the earning lies in their laptops and internet connection but how can you make money on YouTube?

Making money easily and comfortably is becoming a wish of every second person because everyone is tired of their boring, dull, tiring and unproductive 9-5 routines. The correct usage of the internet is providing good earnings for millions of people around the globe.

To earn money on the internet, freelancers use many different ways. Some write blogs, some make or edit podcasts, some go for logo designing, some are good at copywriting whereas

many people have revolutionized their way of living through online shopping businesses. Another good source of income through the internet is ‘YouTube’, which requires no introduction as everyone in this world knows the basics of YouTube. If you are watching YouTube then you must have thought about earning from YouTube too, but due to lack of knowledge, you never tried. YouTube is said to be the second most visited website in the world with approximately 2 billion people using it every single month.  So, the question arises here, can we earn a handsome amount of money through YouTube? If yes, then how is it possible?


Even though it is possible to earn a significant amount through YouTube, it is not the easiest task since there is huge competition from the world on YouTube. Here is a list of ways to earn money on YouTube:

Advertising Revenue:

The first revenue scheme of YouTube is ads. Ads are your opportunity to create spots where they appear during your own YouTube video that your target audience is watching. Ad revenue is not the only way to make money on YouTube and it is also not the best choice.


YouTube Partner Program:

It gives you direct access to the creator support team along with YouTube resources and features. It allows you to share ads on your content and generate revenue. It also enables you to monetize the content that you upload. Becoming a YouTube partner will help you to have access to various features like channel memberships, merchandise shelf, and the Super chat in livestreams. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to join the YouTube Partner Program.

  • Create a YouTube channel:

A YouTube channel can be easily made by creating a Google account. You need to design your channel according to the niche you will be making videos about. Select an eye-catching name for your channel and start posting videos.


  • Make the Channel Successful:

To match YouTube’s eligibility criteria, you should have at least 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers. Learn the art of driving more traffic on your videos. It can take time but consistency is required. Keep uploading the videos at least once a week and you will start attracting traffic over time.


  • Minimum Eligibility Criteria for Monetization:

There are specific eligibility criteria that you need to fulfill for the monetization of your channel. To earn ad revenue, you must be 18 years old and the content should be user-friendly. The Videos should not be too controversial!

If a YouTube premium member watches your video you will automatically get some commission. To sell channel memberships to your subscribers you should have at least 30,000 subscribers and you should be 18 years or older. To sell from YouTube’s merchandise shelf you should have at least 10,000 subscribers and again your age should be at least 18 years.


  • AdSense account:

Setting up an AdSense account is easy, just follow YouTube’s official guidelines to set up an AdSense account. These are very easy to follow guidelines and everyone can do it.


  • Follow all the policies:

To be a part of the YouTube Partner Program you must follow all the policies and guidelines provided by YouTube. YouTube is very strict about its policies and if any of its rules or regulations are violated, YouTube has the right to disable your channel at any time.


Affiliate Marketing:

As an affiliate, you take control of ads into your own hands where you can recommend products to your viewers, give reviews of different products and can also do paid promotions in your videos. Being an affiliate can make you extra money along with your YouTube income from Adsense.

You can also join various affiliate programs like Amazon, where you get a specific link from Amazon that you share in your description of your video and if your viewer buys from that link then you get as a result a fixed percentage of commission.

Related: How does Affiliate Marketing work ?



If the viewers find your channel enjoyable they can donate money to your channel. It is a perfect option for channels that make videos for charities or non-profit organizations. Sign up for Fan Funding on YouTube which allows the viewers of live streams to donate money through chats.


Channel Membership:

Channel memberships are a powerful opportunity that provides exclusive perks to your fans like loyalty badges or custom emojis. It is available to the fans who are willing to pay a small monthly fee to become a member of your YouTube channel.


Advantages of Earning from YouTube:

  • Using YouTube is completely free. You can watch and upload videos for free. It will not cost you anything to earn money.
  • Just make videos and upload them on your channel and you will earn money through them.
  • YouTube is user-friendly, anyone with a basic understanding of YouTube can use it to earn money.
  • It is an easy way to share information or thoughts with others.
  • YouTube enables you to create backlinks and boosts your SEO to help you rank in the searches.
  • You are your own boss. You can decide the time and location of your work and produce content according to your mood and preference.

Disadvantages of Earning from YouTube

  • YouTube is a public social media platform where you cannot control who watches your videos. They will be public and everyone will have access to the video that you upload.
  • There are strict rules that you need to follow in terms of optimization. YouTube decides what kind of content you can post.
  • There have been certain issues reported where the channels were disabled without any reason. Your channel can be disabled even if the idea of the video was copied. YouTube has the right to disable your channel without clarifying.
  • Any advertiser can put ads on your video, they can even be your competitors.


Final words:

The idea of earning from YouTube might look appealing but it can be a hectic task. To meet the criteria of monetization requires a lot of hard work to produce the type of content that will attract people to your videos. But being consistent and not losing hope is the key to have a successful YouTube career. There is no such thing as overnight success on YouTube. You have to have a lot of patience because sometimes even after meeting all the criteria, the monetization can be delayed at YouTube’s end. Several YouTubers earn a full-time income only through YouTube. So, if you want to earn money online through YouTube then it is a great platform to get started. Then what are you waiting for? Create a channel and start producing informative content that will attract traffic.

If you need more information on starting your very first YouTube channel, click right here to join the FREE-Training.

Related: How to make money on YouTube without making any videos.