Can you start an Online Business with no money ?

Are you eager to become an entrepreneur, but you have little to no money to start an online business or a business in general? Don’t worry, you may not have money to start with, but you may have an even more precious thing to start your business, THE SKILL. The good news is that if you have a computer and an internet connection, using your skills can start an online business without investing any money. You only need passion to learn and enthusiasm to grow. Unlike past times, there are many tools, websites and online courses available now that assist you in developing and growing an online business with minimal effort.

Online businesses have many benefits, including to live wherever you want, set your schedule according to your comfort, and work as less or more as you desire to grow your business. Every decision is yours, you are the boss. You don’t need any marketing or business experience and you also don’t need any money.

How much money do you need to start a business?

There are misconceptions regarding ‘online businesses’ that you can only accel, if you invest a lot of money. People start calculating their expenses and ultimately drop the idea of starting a business just because they don’t want to spend money on their business.

The internet and computers have changed the way of living and thinking of the people. You might not have any experience or money but you can still earn hundreds of dollars by working according to your terms and conditions. Starting an online business can cost you anything from $0 to millions of dollars, depending on the industry you want to work in, the idea that you have in mind, your experience and knowledge in the field. All these things determine whether you should invest your money or not. But if you are a beginner, you can even start and flourish your online business without any investment. There are numerous fields in which you can earn a lot without investing a single dollar.

How to start a business without money?

Let’s talk about a few tips and tricks you should keep in mind when starting a business without money:

  • Stay employedStarting a business can be risky and even riskier if you are planning to leave your current job. To continue with your job alongside a business means you will have to work way harder but it will put less pressure on you because this way you will not have to worry about your expenses. Your expenses will be taken care of in the same way, the only addition is your business.
  • Do all the work yourself: It can be exhausting to manage everything yourself, since you don’t have enough budget to hire any employees at the moment yet. You should work hard and put every dollar into your account.
  • Invest your profits: Initially when you start selling products or services and earning revenue or commissions, make sure to invest your profits back in your business and try to grow it with the help of the profit. Don’t be an amateur and do not spend all the money on anything else.
  • Learn to negotiateRealize the value of your skill or product, do not settle for anything less, and do not hesitate to ask for a suitable price for your skill.

Steps to follow when starting a business:

When you want to start with $0 it means you need to prepare yourself efficiently. Research as much as possible. Here are few steps for you to help in succeeding in an online business:

  • Understand yourself:  Before you step into any field, assessing yourself is very important. You should know what are your strengths and weaknesses. Your interest is the key to your success, so select a business of your interest where you can polish your skills and give your best. If you have experience in a particular field it would be even better as it will help you in growing your business fast.
  • Niche market: Filling up space where you are needed is the best thing a businessman can do. Don’t run after something that’s already successful in the market. Keep a check on the latest trends or maybe introduce an innovative idea. Remember, people love it when you come up with an unique idea which in time could become a trend.
  • Choosing your product:  Now that you have decided on your market, it is time to select your services that you can start giving, based on your knowledge and without investing any money. It can be an online service, software development, web designing, logo designing, or digital products, like eBook writing, videos, webinars & online courses.
  • Social media:  Social media is the best friend of an online marketer, use it wisely. It is a free platform for you to let people know about your services. You can spread your voice to every corner of the world in no time. Just learn the skill to attract worldwide customers.
  • Free useful content:  Whenever people go through your online business platform, they think many times about whether to finalize their order or not. They have many questions about the quality of your product and your services. No one likes to waste money on poor-quality products. Hence, it is best to provide them with a brief idea of what they should expect out of your company. Staying connected to your customers before and after the order can boost your business as people will start trusting your services. It may be just a free eBook attached to your website or Company page, which gives a brief about your company and products and mention your contact details.

Online businesses that need no money:

In the online world, there are plenty of businesses that do not need money to start. After a lot of research we have come up with a list of few of such businesses:

For your motivation:

You are not only the one who aims high but has no money. There are many stories in the world where people started with nothing but are now the epitome of success. Let me share a few names with you;


Michael Dell was a dishwasher who made $2.50 per hour. He started selling PC in his college dorm.


Phillip Knight and Bill Bowerman started selling their training shoes from their car trunk.

Apple, Disney, Google, Harley Davidson, Yankee Candle Company and many more, all started their business in small garages.

So, what is your excuse? Just pick up your first step and keep on learning with all your mistakes, the day of your success is not that far away.


Any type of online business is risky and requires a lot of hard work, patience, and time. When you start an online business without any money, it definitely comes with its fair share of problems. In this type of business, you need to continue doing your job with the same zeal and zest, which undoubtedly seems to be very tiring and difficult. But determination and enthusiasm are an important key to success in any type of business.

If you want to start an Online Business with little to no money, click here to get started right away.

Related: Starting an Online Business with small capital

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