Top 10 Creative Ways To Make Money

The worst part about getting older is the necessity to be both physically healthy and financially stable, which can be tiring, because making money is not a piece of cake. It requires creative brains, hard work, skills but most of all patience which does not come easy at all. Just imagine how did Elon Musk become the world’s richest man? How many days did that guy work to earn that fortune? The answer is simple. He did what he was best at. Investing in the right skills at the right time is the key to success because you know ‘time is money’.

But not everyone has supernatural skills in quantum physics like Musk. So here we are with some creative yet easy ways to help you make cash. These techniques will not only help you utilize your spare time in a good way but you can do these jobs along with your studies as well, just like a part-time job or a side business. Although these jobs are not the typical 9-5 ones, they do require hard work and patience because any work that brings you money requires these two aspects. Let’s hop into the 10 most creative ways to make some money.

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  1. Web Designing: 

The first creative way to earn money on the list is web designing. This area has a major scope these days especially in the freelance market, it is the most demanded and competitive niche. According to Pay scale, web designing is estimated to make $50,000 per year.

This job demands a creative independent mind to create the look or visual appearance of a website. A web designer styles the elements of the website in correct order. But this job is not for everyone. It requires knowledge and skills about website designing and a little bit of graphic designing.

If you want to become a web designer and earn up to $5,000 by building simple websites on WordPress, then you need to learn that from investing in good courses. As mentioned earlier, nothing comes without investment and time. So the money and time you’ll invest in getting perfect at this skill, the better you’ll earn. After getting a course done in web designing, you can either apply for a job or freelance. The best freelance websites for web designers are PeoplePerHour and Toptal.

Tip: If you’re up for freelancing, then make sure to build an appealing portfolio with great designs you can present in front of any client.

  1. Dog Breeding: 

If you’re a dog lover, then we have the dream job for you. A dog breeding business will let you adore puppies by bringing a good amount of cash. According to a survey, a dog breeder in the US can make up to $53,500. You can start small by raising just one specific kind of breed through one female dog but let us warn you, this start-up will require some investment.

First, you’ll have to plan out your business about the specific type of breed you want to go for and where you will breed the dogs. You can do this at home, however, that’ll create a mess and you might end up sleeping in your garage.

You’ll have to invest in a female and male dog (or you can rent a stud), dog food, vaccinations, and regular veterinary appointments. You’ll have to take care of the dogs and pups every day, feed them regularly, meaning no Sundays for you!

You can sell puppies with or without training them. A dog breeder can charge anywhere from $500 to $3,000 for a single puppy, depending on the quality. If the puppy is well-bred and healthy, you can charge more profit.

The target market will be dog enthusiasts and pet stores or you can make a website for selling your dogs but that is suitable if your business is well-groomed and not a start-up.

  1. Blogging

If you’ve got good writing skills and passion, then you’ve landed yourself a skill that can take you very far. Now all you need to learn is some basic SEO knowledge, blogging style, and internet operating knowledge, to become a blogger.

Bloggers are pretty much in demand these days as we live in an internet era. You can work as a blogger for someone or better, you can start your website as an independent blogger. For that, you’ll need a website developed and designed by someone or by yourself and afterwards you need content, lots of content.

A blog with no content is not interesting to everyone so make sure to add content to your blog regularly. The content should be worth recognizing so it can generate you money. Now you might be thinking what type of content is required for a blog page? It doesn’t matter, you can add any topic that you’re passionate about or something that you think others are passionate about.

Make sure that your website looks exciting rather than Jane Austen literature, it means you should add images, videos, infographics, or even audio in your blog other than text. A better presentation of your blog will attract traffic and provide more views. Remember, the more views, the more money.

  1. Babysitter

This job fits for someone who has school or college to attend or needs some part-time jobs. Teenagers (age 14-17) can also volunteer for this job as it gets paid on an hourly basis. Normally, babysitters charge around $13 per hour in the US. You can do this if you have any experience with kids, like your siblings or any neighbors.

Caution: Stay out of this job if kids go on your nerves.

If you want to pursue babysitting as a full-time job, you’ll have to fulfill some requirements such as; age requirement of 16-18, babysitter training, Aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certifications, driver’s license, and skills.

Babysitting though is not an easy task at all. It requires patience, stamina, communication skills, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills, and responsibility. You should know how to engage and play with children, supervise homework, prepare meals and do basic household management. You should know how to distract stubborn kids from staying up in front of the TV, and putting them to bed.

The babysitter is supposed to stay alert during her shift. Noting down children’s behavior, eating habits, the activities they were involved in, any injuries or illness are the basic things that have to be reported once the parent comes back home. In case of any medical emergency, the babysitter has to drive the children to the hospital after informing the parents.

  1. Online Teaching: 

Online teaching might sound like a boring job to do, however, it’s one of the well-paid jobs nowadays, all thanks to the circumstances caused by the pandemic. As schools were closed and everyone was in quarantine, there has been a large need to teach kids important subjects at a distance through the web.

The trend of online teaching was still out there before Covid, as many parents wanted to educate their children virtually to keep them away from the negative social factors like bullying. Parents are willing to pay up to $60 per hour to a private instructor who has a proper degree in the specified field along with experience. The normal teacher gets paid around $25 per hour which can make a good sum annually.

This job calls for someone who can simplify complicated concepts for children and answer their questions in an understandable manner. For this purpose, you should always try to teach subjects you are actually an expert in. A good internet connection, notepad, mic, speaker, and good lighting are the minimum requirements.

Although, if you’re trying to become a professional, you’ll be needing much more like a certificate in online education or a degree in education with online emphasis. You can achieve either from any university as they offer these courses more now.

  1. Rent a Car: 

You want to earn good money but you’re too lazy to get off the couch and go to work. Do not worry! The solution to your problem is just a ‘ride’ away. Renting cars is a business that has been on the hype for decades. This job comes up with the least challenges and opportunities.

A rental car is normally hired by tourists who don’t want to travel in public transport or local people who don’t have a car and need one for a special occasion. They tend to pay $56 per day for a normal car. But then again the heavier your investment, the bigger your profit. If you rent a luxurious car or a car which is in  good condition, you can charge more.

You can register your car with any franchise or car rental company that’ll put your car up for rent and give you your required profit. This option is better as compared to doing partnerships with car rental dealers as it is less profitable.

The last option is starting up your own rental company which is not a sound option as it requires a lot of investment and legal formalities along with high chances of risk. So, it’s better to start slow.

  1. Secret Shopper: 

If you’re a shopaholic and shopping is one of the things you love to do, then read this part keenly as it unwinds the mystery of secret shopping. You might not know that there are people who get paid to window shop or give reviews about the shopping environment. While this job does not pay much, it doesn’t require much effort, which is cool if you don’t want to die working hard.

To become a secret shopper, you’ll have to register yourself with mystery shopping companies such as Bestmark, which hire secret shoppers. All you have to do is go to a brand and keep an eye on the environment, the behavior of the staff with customers, and the products as well. The best part is that they hand you over a certain amount of money to do shopping or if you’re at a restaurant, you get to eat free meals. After shopping, you have to write reviews on their page and answer queries.

The payment is made in three categories;

  • Cash and Reimbursement:

You get a salary along with the things you purchased while in the role of a secret shopper.

  • Cash Only:

You get paid your salary and don’t purchase anything. (Like window-shopping)

  • Reimbursement Only:

You don’t get a salary but receive services for free (Like you eat at a restaurant and review it)

  1. Rent a Room: 

This job type is the simplest of all because it doesn’t require any investment at all. The only thing you need to have is a spare room either in your own house or any other apartment of yours. This can be possible through Airbnb, which provides the platform to showcase pictures of your spare room or apartment to attract customers.

The best part is that Airbnb doesn’t require any registration fees and it is free of cost. Renting a room is an effortless source of passive income. Once the room is rented, you don’t have anything to do with that room, no cleaning and no sweeping. You rarely get to cross paths with your guests and you get the title of an Airbnb host for free.

The target market for this field are tourists, bachelor’s, exchange students, foreigners who don’t prefer to stay at hotels, and people who have renovations going on at their homes. The average cost for renting a room in the US is $160 per day, which is close to the rent for a hotel room. But $160 for one day with you doing nothing is a great deal and you can make extra money for traveling, shopping, or paying your student loans if you’re a student.

  1. Selling Stock Photography: 

If you’re a camera-obsessed photogenic who is addicted to snapping photos everywhere, then you should think about enlarging your bank account through these shots. The requirements are super simple, a DSLR to capture amazing photos or you can use a smartphone with good camera results.

So the question is where to sell these photos? You sell these photos to websites that stock them. Stock sites or libraries are a good way to sell photos to use on different websites, in books on products, and even in ads. Each time your pictures are sold, you get a percentage of the sale. Basically, you shoot a photo, edit it, upload it ONCE and then you enjoy the profit for a lifetime.

Some of the best websites to sell photos online are Alamy, EyeEm, Picfair, Foap, Dreamstime, Getty Images, and Shutterstock. You can sell any kind of photos on these websites, like pets, landscapes, scenery, kids, food, wedding shoots, anything really. This will help you become a professional photographer and improve your skills over time.

There is no salary for this work. You get a certain percentage of your photographs. The larger and attractive collection you build, the better it is for your income. However, this work requires patience as you won’t be getting downloads instantly.

  1. Creating Podcasts: 

The world is full of good listeners. Remember the time when people used to listen to radios. Well, times haven’t changed that much when it comes to people listening to other people. If you’re a chatterbox who can talk to anyone without being way too formal on any topic, then you should try becoming a speaker at a podcast and make a living out of it.

You can create a specific website where you upload your podcast or a better option is a YouTube channel dedicated to your podcast. When you start your podcasts at first, you’ll not get many views, so it will require a lot of patience (might take a year). But once you hit that 1K subscription, there’s no going back.

You can speak about general issues around the world or choose a specific niche, whether it is in fashion, health, lifestyle, Hollywood industry, or a diverse niche.

It is always better to have a co-host in your podcast so that it doesn’t confuse you or give people the idea that you’re talking to yourself. You can also get paid for advertisements and sponsorships if you influence a large audience. The pay rate, however, is not fixed and depends upon the views, likes, and shares of the podcast.


Whether you have a full-time job, being a student, or a stay-at-home mom, you can earn money even if you don’t have any skills. All you need to have is brains and the will to earn because that ‘will’ will get you opportunities from almost everywhere.

Hard work is the key but only when it is led by smart work, so try thinking outside the box and make new ways for yourself. After all, being financially independent is synonymous with being free and powerful. Lastly, whatever job you get yourself involved in, make sure to be consistent, committed, and honest with it. Best of luck!