Top 10 Rules for Success from Cristiano Ronaldo

Success is something that is everybody’s bucket list. Do you even know one person who doesn’t wish to be successful? No, right! But becoming successful requires a secret potion that only the Illuminati’s have (Just Kidding). The recipe to success is unknown to many people and they are still in search of it. What if we provide you the top 10 rules of success explained by the G.o.a.t. of Football himself, Cristiano Ronaldo? Interested?

Head below to have a look at the most effective tips to becoming a successful person:

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1. Just Play

The first and foremost rule of Cristiano Ronaldo is ‘Just Play’. Now this doesn’t mean that you should keep playing football even if you don’t know how to. The depth of meaning behind these two words is to stay focused on your goal and not to stop. Obviously the goal of the world’s finest football player would be to play so that’s why he said that because that’s what he does. But no matter what the goal of your life is, live for that goal, work hard nonstop and make your dreams come true.

Another hidden meaning behind this small yet world famous quote is to build your goal around the things that you enjoy the most. Ronaldo converted his passion into his ultimate career. Football was the game that he enjoyed the most since he was a kid and he decided to take it to the highest professional level. He says that if he wasn’t a fan of football, he would’ve never achieved the status he has today. So it is necessary to stay focused on the things that give you pleasure.

2. Be Competitive

The second rule of success from Ronaldo’s success quotation booklet is to ‘Be Competitive’. Of course, athletes are competitive by nature and this competitiveness becomes stronger when they enter the professional field. But he does not particularly refer to athletes through this phrase. This piece of advice is for every single person out there who wants to make a big name for himself in the world. If you give it a keen thought, you will come to the realization that in order to become number 1, you will have to beat a lot of people, because everyone wants to be on top, and one cannot do so without being competitive.

This phrase teaches you practicality as well. How? Because on your way to success you will often have to face off some of your closest people and that’s when most people lose it, becoming emotional and sacrificing their goal. That should not be the case. If one wishes to be successful, he has to make hard choices such as beating out your friends and family members, but that doesn’t mean at all that you become selfish and evil. No, not at all! Just learn to keep your professional and personal life separate!

3. Always Take On New Challenges

The third rule is to not hesitate from accepting new challenges. Challenges are a part of everyone’s life. It has nothing to do with how successful or unsuccessful you are at that moment, although the way you fulfill that challenge decides whether you will or will not be successful in future. It is said that those who don’t accept challenges are afraid to lose and a true athlete is not afraid to lose, which is the best part because they have high sportsman spirits. They know that they HAVE to win no matter what and even if they lose, the world will not come to an end.

This rule also (like the previous ones) has a double meaning. The second meaning derived from this is to take risks, because challenges usually come with risks. These risks can be of any type, even the risk of losing. An interesting fact related to challenge and risk is that those who accept it develop a high sense of instinct training them for the practical obstacles of life.

4. Know Your Priorities

The Next rule on the list is to know about your priorities and then manage them accordingly. Prioritizing is an important factor that leads to success. Knowing and giving time to your priorities is essential. The reason behind this is, a man cannot give his 100% to everything on his priority list. For example, if a man wants to give time to his family, friends, work and studies, he cannot give his best everywhere, since he will end up getting exhausted and he won’t be able to fulfill even one of them successfully.

Sorting out your priorities is essential for every type of profession, since it will keep you focused on one thing and you will not be distracted by other duties. Try to remember this, in order to be successful, you have to sacrifice the one thing out of many and most of the time that one thing is family. However, if you keep your priorities straight, you can take out time for both and balance your work life with personal life. It will keep you motivated as well since nothing can motivate you more than your family.

5. People Will Judge You

Another rule that Cristiano Ronaldo swears by is to not care about what people think or say. People will always judge you no matter how hard you work. This is the bitter reality of the world and the sad thing, we are one of those people who judge other people as well. When a person works on his schedule and does not go the ordinary route, we tend to judge him and give him backlash, but when he becomes successful though, we give the credit of his success to his luck. The world (including you and me) has some serious double standard issues.

When Ronaldo said this, he stated, when people judge and laugh at you, you let them laugh. But when the day comes where your hard work paid off, you laugh right back at their faces. You might have heard the saying ‘Silence is the best answer to a fool’, well even if the whole world is judging you, you keep doing your thing!

6. Work Hard

‘Hard work is the key to success’. Cristiano Ronaldo had applied this formula in his life since he was 12 years old and once he had figured out that it does pay off, there was no going back for him. Nobody can describe what hard work is better than the King of football himself. Ronaldo’s story of hard work is truly an inspiration for millions. He has proven that if you work hard thinking you have less time to achieve everything you want; you can really achieve everything that you want in actual less time.

But the ‘work hard’ saying doesn’t necessarily mean you stop working smart and start using your muscles. An ultimate rule that all of the most successful people around the world follow is to put your hard work after smart work. This means to put your hard work at the right place and the right time with hopefully proven strategies. Think of it like this, if a person keeps on working hard day and night in the wrong direction, he will be left with nothing at the end of the day. So first do your research and then gear up for some toil.

7. Believe You Are The Best

Having faith in yourself is what will keep you going through the hard times and hard times will be there at every other step on the road to success. Cristiano Ronaldo did not earn the title ‘Don’ in a night. It took him years to perfect himself and add finesse to his game. When he started playing as a young boy, he was highly demotivated by people, but did that stop him? No! That’s what faith in oneself does.  Just imagine, you’re a young person who is trying to achieve a purpose in life at a very early stage, there are thousands of people to tell you that you won’t make it and that it is a waste of time and effort, but you still decide to believe in yourself and you keep pushing until you make it.

That’s exactly what happened to Ronaldo. So, from now on, even if the whole world is against you, you should be there to cheer for yourself, to think of yourself as the champion and to always believe that you are the best there is, as this is the only strategy that will help you from not quitting in hard times because those who quit are the actual losers.

8. Play For The Team

We’re pretty sure that you are well aware of the saying ‘Unity is Strength’; well that is the central idea of this rule. As you all know Ronaldo is the King of football and football players are taught discipline and team coordination from the very first day. They are told to play on each other’s strengths and cover up the other player’s weaknesses. They are also taught they are one unit who has to compete with the opponents as one. This rule is the magic spell in all works that require teamwork.

Even if you’re not an athlete, be sure that you apply this rule in your professional and personal life. If you own a business, make sure to lead the team with proper coordination. If an employer starts throwing orders at his employees, the result he gets will bring him no profit. In contrast to this, if an employer coordinates with the employees and then assigns tasks, the result he will get will be profitable.

9. Enjoy The Moments

Success can be expensive to achieve as the most precious thing that it costs you for in return is your time. History proves that no success comes without investing time, effort and giving sacrifices. There exists no man who hasn’t given his time in favor of success, so make the little moments count. These moments can become the most precious of your memories and you would want them to stay with you forever. The key is to enjoy the little things in life. Most of the people chasing after success say that enjoyment is out of their league, but Cristiano Ronaldo says you can gather many moments of joy during hard work as well.

If you’re thinking you can enjoy as much as you want after you become successful, trust us, You will not! Most successful people don’t crave enjoyment since they become diehard workaholics and when their time comes to think and reflect about their past, there is nothing they can recall as good, fun memories. Ronaldo says that all you have is today so make the most of it.

10.Have a Sense of Humor

The last rule of Cristiano Ronaldo that you would want to implement is to always have a sense of humor. This last rule might sound a little confusing to you while it’s the simplest of them all. The main idea is to stay positive even in negative situations. Even if you’ve got bills to pay with no money, keep yourself and the people around you positive and jolly. It will lessen the depressive atmosphere around you and in a way give the people connected to you hope.

Hope can be the biggest support during dark times, so make sure that you keep on lighting up the tense environment and always spread joy and laughter or at the very least, positivity. A successful person does not always have to be a rich person but a person whom everyone loves to be around. So stay happy and make others happy.


Now that you know the 10 basic rules that made Ronaldo successful, we are pretty confident that you should implement them into your own lives, because who wouldn’t want to be successful. These rules, although named the rules of success, are in actuality, the tips to a happy and fulfilling life, since happiness and success go hand in hand.

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