10 Things You Need To Know If You Want To Become a High Value Man

Wealth can be considered a drug for all humans because they strive to earn more money and their thirst for being rich is never satisfied. Due to this assessment, they keep on looking for different ways to earn money. Earning money has never been easy and it is still as difficult as it was ages before. You can never be 100% sure that the business you just have started will be successful or not. So, trying to become wealthy involves a lot of risks and pressure. You need to get rid of your same 9-5 salary job and create an innovative business to be rich because your typical salary job is not going to do that for you, if you truly want to be a High Value Man!

Becoming a high value man might require a lot of effort and time. It is not a one day task that you can complete instantly, so by aiming high you will need to be patient and passionate about your goals. In this article, we will go through some important and critical points that you need in order to know whether you even want to become a high value man and how you can achieve this particular high-class status.

1. Have a mindset to grow continuously:

The highly rich and successful people do not believe in being stuck at one point in life. They believe in financial growth and keep striving to invent something new for further progress in their field. When their business succeeds they do not think that they have achieved everything already but they do think it is just the first step towards larger success in the future.

High value men keep on exploring new ventures to explore the world. They keep on finding different ways to earn more money. Their main goal is to earn more and spend less on themselves, instead of spending money on buying a new house or car they prefer investing in a new business or assets. The continuous urge of making money through hard work pushes them to touch the glory of their business. Since they have framed their mindset to never stop, no one can change their habits of being a high value man. So if you want to become a high value man in this world, you should have a continuous urge and keen desire to keep on growing the source of your earning by any business or specific profession you have.

2. Top 10 % earning in the world:

The thought of how to be a high value man is stuck in the mind of almost every rich and not so surprisingly normal person in the world, too. For being a high value man, one should be earning millions of dollars or at least be in the 10% of earning individuals adjusted to your location. To be in the top 10% of the highest-earning people in the world a lot of time and hard work is required. The people that you see in the top 10% today have a long story to tell about their life. Even the richest people in the world have a fair share of failures that they converted into success by burning their midnight oil.

To earn this much money a passion to make dreams into reality is needed. To be a successful man one should remember that consistency is the key and they have to continuously try to earn more money. To be in the top 10% of richest people in the world though, the person should be earning at least 6 figures. History proves that wealthy people become richer much faster than the rest of the population because they already have enough knowledge about the business world so they can play safer, implement necessary strategies and earn more.

3. Constantly be in the top 10% for at least 3 years:

After doing a lot of hard work and effort for years one achieves the status of being in the top 10% of earners but the struggle does not end just there. Another big hurdle is to stay in the top 10% for a long time. You need to maintain this status for at least 3 years to be recognized by other high value men.

The businesses and investments that helped you reach the top 10% can surely help you to sustain this position as well. But you should not rely on those businesses only in fact keep trying to grow your business or even start various new businesses.

Let’s take an example from the life of Elon Musk; he started his first company when he was in his 20s but he did not consider it as his only source of income. He has gained popularity and earned a lot of money from SpaceX but even then he didn’t stop. He started another pursuit by introducing the electric vehicle Tesla. And still, now, his urge of becoming more successful is there. He is on a continuous mission to impact the world positively more and more. As a result, Elon Musk  is one of the most successful and rich men in the world. So, to be viewed as a high value man, consistency is required!

4. Visibility in your Profession

Being visible in your profession is very much needed in this battle of becoming high value. A rich doctor should be visible because of his skills in the medical field. An automobile expert should be visible and rich due to these skills. Being rich and not being visible or even famous is a very awkward situation for a rich person. A super-rich man is only known by the world due to any profession, not just by the money he owns. If Jeff Bezos was rich due to any property he got from his ancestors, no one in the world would have known him despite being rich. But the world knows Jeff Bezos for being the richest man in the world (right now) due to his fame from Amazon he introduced. Attachment with any profession is very much important. A high value man is not merely rich due to an unknown reason, but rather due to something unique he has done in his profession. Such men do not start the business as a profession, instead, they make their profession their business by keen interest. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and many more such people were not only rich but they were visible and now even famous for the work they have done in their specific profession.

If you want to become a high value man, take interest in your profession, make that profession your business by being unique, and only then the world could potentially know you. It is not necessary to have a big rich business at the start. You may only start an online business and who knows one day you are on the list of richest people alive in the world. You will have to be visible in your profession around the world. The key is the urge to become famous in your profession/business by untiring hard work.

5. No Fear to Fail

Gaining the status of high value in this world is not an easy task that anyone can perform. It is never  going to be an easy going business that takes you to the topmost point in the world. There exist numerous and multifarious risks & dangers in the world of business. A man can become homeless from previously being a billionaire due to any wrongly taken turn. No one is sure what the risk-taking will result in the future of a business. But, that huge risk can also be a life changing turn for anyone. The Fear to fall from the height of success never exists in high value men. Though sometimes they think too much before starting a risky thing, once the decision is made, they never look back and keep on going.

Having no fear to fail does not mean that you should have no care for risk factors in life. You should be careful about dangerous risks in your businesses of course but if you have analyzed the situation well enough and you see more up-sight than potential failure in your eyes, you might as well take that risk. Do not take any bad decision which may lead you to a point of no return because a calculated risk and a non thought through mistake is a huge difference. Even mistakes happen during the race of becoming rich which should not stop you from achieving your goals. So, if you want to be on the list of high-value men, you should not be afraid of taking risks. Think a lot before starting a thing, but once decided, never look back and more importantly have no regrets!

6. Get out of your comfort zone:

Becoming a high value man means you cannot stay in your comfort zone and keep running the same business all your life. To be a high value man the best thing to do is to keep trying different kinds of businesses at a time. You can manage more than one type of work at a time because it is not a big deal for successful people.

All the successful people become strong because they know success comes to those who embrace a little discomfort. They go beyond their limits and work hard for the growth of their business. They do not care about their comfort zones, they just chase their dreams with the extreme potential that they have.

7. Healthy Competition with other High-Value Men

Being rich all alone by yourself is not enough. For staying on the list of high-value men there is a dire need that you have a close interaction with your competitors and peers.

High value men have very good competition amongst each other and are striving to be much better than others. Taking the example of Windows And Apple, Steve Jobs and Bill Gates always had a very tough and healthy competition. Both had the aim of giving more facilities and ease to their users. In this way, both companies touch the height of glory and success and also both owners became billionaires as a result. The world knows them due to their competition and they both are very high-value men who will be remembered for a long time even after their death.

So, to be such a high value man, competing with your business competitors and peers is very important. Establishing a network of other high-value and skilled men is also very necessary if you want to be truly viewed as a higher value man and in addition always has many advantages for every entrepreneur and professional. You can learn from their mistakes and make your business better than theirs’ or take their advice and have them mentor you in a certain way.

8. Bringing change to the world through your work:

As the world is evolving we have seen many discoveries happening around us. But some of these inventions are creating problems for humanity. The population of the world is rapidly increasing due to which the problems that need to be addressed are also increasing with every passing day. For example, the invention of the car has made traveling so much easier but the fumes produced by the car are seriously damaging the environment and ozone layer specifically.

It is the need of the hour that people start creating solutions for the betterment of the world. All the problem causing things should be eliminated or replaced in society.

It will only be possible when the high value men of the world start taking initiatives for these problems. Elon Musk created Tesla motors (the company) to cater to the release of CO from the cars and therefore created a fully electronic car to avoid the usage of fuel. Hence, being a high value man he thought about the society and how he could play his role to save his fellow beings with the help of technology. He even created SpaceX for the people so that they can have an option to live on other planets as well, potentially.

So, if you also want to be a high value man, think about how you can be useful and what certain changes you can bring into the world that people would benefit from. You should be able to have a unique idea that has not been implemented before and then start working for it.

9. Do not retire completely:

The extremely rich high value men do not need to work another day of their lives because they already have enough money to just relax and enjoy. They earn enough in their life of hard work that they can easily go home and spend the rest of their lives with their family without worrying about the world. They are not questionable to anyone but the successful people do not fully retire even when they grow old. They will still keep using their power and influence to do good for the world.

They certainly go for vacations on and off but they will still come back to work because they love what they do. Most of the high value men are entrepreneurs so they know the value of hard work very well and their desire to grow their business never ends. Their business is like their children and they never want to leave it.

10. Good morals and character:

It was a famous saying in old times that if you want to be a successful person in the world, you must be honest and have high moral values. Having a good character was a hallmark of all great personalities and high value men. Indeed all attributes like honesty, punctuality, respect for others, good character, strong moral values, etc are still very much required in the modern world too. But these are no longer considered to be an essential part of a highly valued man.  Unfortunately, honesty is not considered to be an essential requirement. A dishonest man can also be a billionaire in the modern fast-moving world. It is always better to make your name honestly though. The world is running so fast towards becoming rich that everyone has forgotten moral values and strong character.

So, to be a high value man as well as a good human being you should always strive to have a strong character, deep moral values, and honest nature.

Final Words

The list of the top ten billionaires and newly millionaires in the world keeps on changing depending upon the hard work done by the super rich people. Bill Gates topped the list for a very long period, but as soon as Jeff Bezos became more important for the world owing to his work, he became the richest man. High value men like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk keep on competing with each other in the race of becoming the Richest. Due to their healthy competition, the world is continuously getting more advanced in the form of Tesla, Windows, Amazon, Apple and many more such amazing ideas from great people. High value men are remembered even after they depart from the world because they are not only rich in terms of money. They are also rich in their knowledge, hard work, and valuable products.

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