Anna Delvey A Luxurious Fraudster

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When Anna “Delvey” Sorokin first appeared on the New York party scene in 2016, she made quite an impression. She was mentioning New York’s elite, staying in luxurious hotels, getting $400 eyelash extensions, and ordering off the menu at some of the city’s most expensive restaurants; places I wouldn’t be able to get into even if I volunteered to pay twice and sat in the kitchen. Even for items that people don’t tip for, she frequently tipped with $100 dollars. The point is that she had a lot of money, but no one around her knew where it came from.

The parents of Anna Delvey are ordinary people. In Germany, her father is a truck driver. She’s just an extremely excellent liar, according to him. Banks, hotels, and restaurants were scammed of hundreds of thousands of dollars as a result of these lies.

Today we’re talking about Anna Delvey, who deceived the New York party scene for years by pretending to be someone she wasn’t. Her narrative is both bizarre and intriguing.

Friends, buckle up because we’re about to be on an adventure.

Who is Anna “Delvey” Sorokin?

Anna Delvey, whose true name is Anna Sorokin, was born on January 23, 1991, in Domodedovo, Russia, but spent most of her childhood in Germany. Her father drove a truck, and her mother formerly ran a small convenience store, thus she and her brother grew up in a middle-class family.

Sorokin left Germany at the age of 19 to pursue a fashion degree in Paris, where she went by the name Anna Delvey. She attended Fashion Week in New York in the summer of 2013 on behalf of Purple magazine, where she was working at the time, and ultimately decided to stay in the city.

Sorokin has not communicated with her parents since her conviction, and they did not attend her trial. The father of Anna Delvey indicated that he disowns her, telling DailyMailTV in April 2019, “‘I do not have any influence on her life and what she does. It is down to her what she has done.”

Summer of 2016

Anna is present all the time on the New York City and Hamptons party scene. She attended art gallery openings, high-end dinners, high-end gyms, and the Montauk Surf Lodge, to name a few. Anna had a big goal at that time. She was looking to purchase real estate in New York City, specifically a building on Park Avenue South. It’s quite large, and the grounds include a 19th-century church. This is excellent for non-New Yorkers. You’d want to own this property if it were a monopoly. You’d want to turn it into a hotel and brag about it to your grandmother. Anna was announcing her plans for this space to anyone who would listen.

It would be a vibrant visual arts center with art exhibits, pop-up shops, restaurants, bars, a bakery, and a juice bar, according to her. However, purchasing that space would be prohibitively expensive. Anna talked to banks about loans, sought advice from financial counselors, and even hired a public relations firm to help her land this prize location. She appeared to be gaining traction, and then voila! She leaves New York, telling some friends that she needs to leave the country for a few days to deal with a visa issue in Cologne, Germany.

February of 2017

Anna returned to New York in February 2017 and checked into 11 Howard. She racked up a lot of debt after that. She would pay for expensive personal training sessions and eat at 11 Howard’s restaurant, Le Coucou. In other words, she could add these meals to her hotel bill. Anna was a regular at the restaurant, and she was charming enough that the head chef didn’t mind cooking her elaborate dishes that weren’t on the menu.

11 Howard realized her bills were piling up because they didn’t have a working credit card on file. Don’t forget about her Le Coucou bills, which are also on that account. Even so, Anna was able to buy some time by wiring a portion of her bill to 11 Howard, but not enough time or money. Anna flew out of town for $35,000 on a private jet to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway annual stockholders meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, during the controversy.

Her friend Rachel

Anna connected with Rachel Williams, a photo editor at Vanity Fair, when she returned from Nebraska. Anna, Rachel, and a few other people traveled to Morocco in May 2017 and stayed at an exclusive resort. We’re talking about the very best. Rachel wrote in her Vanity Fair article that Anna essentially said, “No trouble, all on me,” because she couldn’t afford the trip. During the trip, the hotel began harassing Anna for a valid credit card, which she lacked. At first, they were polite about it, assuming it was a misunderstanding.

However, the hotel eventually came down hard on their group. The hotel’s employees were fired as a result of this. There was a lot of stress in this room. As a result, the staff cornered Anna and Rachel in their room and demanded a credit card be handed over. Rachel was the person who ended up being that person. Anna was irritated that the hotel was holding her up and told Rachel, “Listen, it’s just a little mix and I’ll pay you back in a week if you can cover this”. Rachel was earning less than $60,000 a year at the time and was now owing more than $62,000.

June of 2017

When Anna returned to New York City in June 2017, she was unable to return to 11 Howard because they had locked her out and taken all of her belongings. As a result, Anna booked a room at The Beekman, another high-end hotel. She’d racked up a bill of $11,000 there. Meanwhile, Anna’s predicament was deteriorating. Her most important goal, the Park Avenue South property, was sold to someone else. The thing is, if that venture had been a success, she could have easily made enough money to repay everyone.

Furthermore, the press had caught up with her. The New York Post published an article inquiring as to who this woman was who kept staying in high-end hotels only to overcharge them on the bill, and the press weren’t the only ones. Anna was arrested and charged with grand larceny, forgery, theft of services, and other offenses. She is accused of stealing $275,000 from banks, restaurants, hotels, and Rachel’s friends. Anna, whose real name is Anna Sorokin, was born in Russia in 1991 and could now face up to 15 years in prison.

How did she manage to do it?

She attempted to secure that funding in late 2016 by going to the National Bank and requesting a 22-million-dollar loan, and she allegedly presented documents claiming to own 60 million British pounds in assets at those meetings. She was successful in that meeting in one of the most amazing examples of keeping her cool. The National Bank only required Anna to wire them $100,000, which would cover their legal fees as well as their investigation costs. It wasn’t difficult to come up with that sum of money. She allegedly went to Fortress Bank and said something along the lines like, “I’m getting a loan for $22 million.” I only need $100,000, and once that loan arrives, I’ll be able to repay you immediately.”

Fortress had broken in and taken the money, which it gave to National Bank so that they could investigate her. There have also been reports of her depositing forged checks at City Bank and Signature Bank. She managed to withdraw funds before the banks realized the checks were bad. That’s why Anna was always carrying cash. She had never used a credit card before. She didn’t have credit, and that’s how she made a name for herself. She was seen flashing money all over town. Everything, however, came crashing down.

She had backed out of her deal with National Bank by February 2017. They had spent $55,000 of the $100,000 she had given them to investigate her at that point. That 45 grand bought her some time with 11 Howard, which is why she was able to wire part of her bill while she was in Nebraska, but as we all know, there isn’t enough time. She was doomed without the national loan. But there’s a catch: she owed Rachel money from several hotels, the public relations firm she hired, and the restaurants where she threw parties. Do you recall that private jet? Yeah. She managed to get the trip paid for with an IOU.

What were Anna Delvey’s crimes?

Sorokin was evicted from several hotels after bouncing from hotel to hotel and repeatedly failing to pay her bills. Sorokin was apprehended during a sting operation in October 2017. She was in an addiction treatment facility in Los Angeles County, California, at the time. It was estimated that she stole around $275,000 during her trial.

Sorokin was found guilty of eight charges on April 25, 2019, including attempted first-degree grand larceny, second-degree grand larceny, third-degree grand larceny, and theft of services. In May of that year, she was sentenced to 4 to 12 years in state prison, a $24,000 fine, and $199,000 in restitution.

Where’s Anna Delvey now?

Sorokin was sentenced to Bedford Hills Correctional Facility before being transferred to Albion Correctional Facility in New York following her trial. She was released from prison early in February 2021 and immediately returned to Instagram.

However, in March of that year, she was apprehended by U.S. authorities. For overstaying her visa, she was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

After nearly a year in the United States, Sorokin is facing deportation to Germany. Detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. ICE confirmed to PEOPLE on March 15, 2022 that Sorokin remains in a New York detention center “pending removal,” despite previous reports that she had been released from custody and returned to Germany.

According to the German publication Der Spiegel, Sorokin’s deportation was thwarted at the last minute when she refused to leave for the airport while her lawyers filed a motion to stay the decision. According to the outlet, US authorities are attempting to secure a new departure date for her, presumably after the window for her to appeal her expulsion closes on March 19.

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