How hard is it to make money on YouTube ?

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Making money, either online or doing a job is not an easy thing to do. It is a difficult task that requires a lot of time, hard work, and patience. Earning money on YouTube is the hardest thing that you can do. It is a massive platform where millions of videos are being uploaded every minute, hence the competition. To prove yourself in the world of YouTube is extremely tough and to convince people to click on your video and watch the entire video is even harder. With time, people have become impatient and no one has the time to sit and watch your boring 20 minutes video. They give you only the first 15 to 20 seconds to entertain them and they decide whether they are going to watch the entire video or not. So how hard is it to make money on YouTube? As it is said ‘The first impression is the last impression’ and for this example, that first impression is the title and thumbnail of the video. People click on your video only if they like the title or thumbnail. To keep your viewers engaged till the end of the video you need to add entertainment and suspense to your videos. In this article, we are going to discuss the hardships of earning money on YouTube along with some tips and tricks to help you overcome them.


Why is it hard to make money on YouTube?

Every minute the competition is increasing on YouTube due to which YouTube has become even more strict with the rules of the Partner Program. Now the YouTubers have to fulfill a higher number of requirements that are also difficult to achieve. These requirements allow them to monetize their videos and start earning money on YouTube. Those requirements are as follows:

  • The channel must have more than 1000 subscribers.
  • In the last 12 months, there should be 4000 hours of watch time
  • You must be following all the terms and conditions of YouTube

These rules are not easy to achieve because it requires consistent uploading of videos. You need to bring a different kind of content on your channel so that people watch your videos. Achieving all these goals can take up to a year if you keep uploading new videos at least twice or three times a week. YouTube will assess that you are a regular uploader and it will automatically start suggesting your videos to people.

When people click on your video then it is your task to engage them on your video for a longer time. If people only click the video and close it after a few seconds because the video was not interesting then you will not be able to complete your watch hours.

Keep in mind that before meeting all these requirements you cannot earn any money on YouTube. Until you achieve these goals you will be creating content for free.


Reality check for making money on YouTube:

There is a trend on YouTube where YouTubers tell their income from YouTube and set unrealistic images of the income from YouTube in their viewer’s minds. The reality is that these YouTubers do not show the amount of time that they spent to reach their goal. There would be years of struggle where they had to deal with failures and  were not earning any money from YouTube. But with constant struggle and hard work they have reached a lot of income today.

Those videos can motivate anyone to create a YouTube channel. After watching such videos you ask yourself that ‘If a 7-year-old can earn such a good amount then why can’t I?’

But the reality is this: ‘It takes a lot of time and work to be there’. If you are ready to take the plunge then it is good to start right now because it’s better late than never.

Related: How to make money on YouTube without making any videos


Tips to make money on YouTube-The Right Way:

To excel in your YouTube career you should not go in a drastic way of making and uploading videos. You must be following a set pattern of rules and regulations in order to get fame or recognition through your videos. You must be unique in your content but still not so irregular or too unique that ultimately your viewers start getting annoyed with you. Few important tips that you should try to follow in your YouTube career are as follows:


  • Good Content Creation

There are millions of videos getting uploaded on youtube on daily basis. Few get thousands of views in just a few minutes while few are unable to get even 10 views in months. The difference lies in the type of content. Your technical background, appearance, knowledge, your identity, country etc. do not matter, what matters is the quality and consistency of your content. If your content is good, you will get worldwide fame or a nice recognition and your followers will be least bothered about your history, they only need good content from you. If your content is the best in your niche, undoubtedly you will get more and more views daily and subsequently get a nice income from YouTube. So, good content creation is the topmost requirement for earning money through YouTube.


  • Attractive Title

After doing a lot of hard work, you have finally made a video and you are ready to just upload it on YouTube. But Wait! What will you write in the Title? The viewers will open your video only if they like the title of your video. If your title is too obvious, boring, or just like all other YouTubers then your subscribers do not need to open your video. On the other hand, if your titles contain attractive and suspenseful words, viewers will be curious to watch what is inside the video. Few points to remember before writing a video title are as follows:

  • Learn the art of performing keyword research
  • Consider that the title is the most important part of the video
  • Try to describe the whole video in the title, depending on the niche
  • Take lessons from other successful people


  • Eye-Catching Thumbnail:

Just like the title of the video, the thumbnail is also equally important because it is also the first thing that the viewer notices about the video. If the viewer likes the thumbnail he will click on the video and watch it. The thumbnail should be colorful and fun, give a little hint what viewers could expect from your video through your thumbnail and make it interesting. There are various softwares through which you can create such eye-catching thumbnails and attract traffic towards your video.

The struggle does not end right here, make sure the content inside the video is also up to the mark so that the viewer will watch the full video. The viewer should never be bored while watching your video.


Final Words:

Any type of job or work should never be underestimated and considered an ‘easy job’ because no job in the world is easy. Every job demands a different level of hard work and patience. YouTube also requires an immense amount of patience and time, as there is no such thing as ‘overnight success’. It can take years for you to finally start making a full-time income through YouTube if you stay consistent for a long time.

If you need more information about making money with youtube or only on Youtube, click right here to join the free training!

Related: How to make money on YouTube