Jobs That Can Make You a MILLIONAIRE !

Dreaming big is the trait of high achievers, they set seemingly unrealistic goals and successfully make them a reality through their uninterrupted dedication. But the question is do they set their goals to become millionaires? Yes, they do. For most people, it might be difficult to have such huge dreams because they do not believe in themselves enough. But the people who do believe in themselves, are the ones who reach the limits of the sky. They are not necessarily entrepreneurs they do a job that pay them a high salary and makes them a millionaire.

It is a false belief that you need to own a business to become a millionaire. There are many examples in the world where a person becomes a millionaire without owning even a single business. There are many jobs which can pay you a handsome salary depending upon your qualifications and experience. Though it takes a long series of hard work and passion, it is possible to become a millionaire by sticking to the job related to your qualifications.

You might be wondering which job has the potential to make you a millionaire. Let’s take a  look about the ten jobs that can make you a millionaire depending on your qualification.

10. Professional Athlete

Average Hourly Salary: $27 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $58,000

From basketball to cricket, professional athletes get paid to play various sports. They possess the necessary talent to succeed in the sport that they choose to play. Their performance is the only parameter that decides the future of their career, so they need to consistently perform well. Though it can be difficult to maintain good performance, when an athlete succeeds in his sport, he starts earning a good salary package.

In addition to the talent, professional athletes also work tirelessly in order to maintain their physical fitness. They are extra careful with their food and lifestyle. Even in the days when they are not playing, they still keep doing rigorous workouts to maintain their stamina.

However, after all the hard work they get paid well and easily become millionaires. There are many examples of athletes who became millionaires because of their talent and consistency. Cristiano Ronaldo for instance, a famous football player has a current net worth of $500 million.

9. Engineer

Average Hourly Salary: $40 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $82,000

Excelling at scientific and mechanical analysis by critically solving problems, engineers work hard to design and develop new products. There are different types of engineers such as mechanical engineers, software engineers, electrical engineers, etc. Every field of engineers creates products for the welfare of mankind. Because of the evolution of technology and engineering, our lives have become so much easier.

To become an engineer, one needs to have a keen interest in studies and the passion to pursue higher education. With some dedication, anyone can become a good engineer and get some experience in the field. After getting the required experience, engineers usually get a high-paying job that helps them in becoming a millionaire.

The engineers who are creative thinkers and create unique products get better job opportunities. They comparatively receive more high-paying job offers than regular engineers because they have the potential to reach the limits of the sky. So, it is evident that you need to be unique in your field and showcase a different kind of talent to get the high pay salary.

8. Software Developer

Average Hourly Salary: $41 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $85,000

Software developers create computer programs, applications, and networks. They play an important role in this era of the internet and smartphones. Due to their hard work, we surf various applications on our mobiles and computers. They are the creative minds behind the systems that run different devices to connect the world.

Software development jobs are more than available for the right candidates who have at least a bachelor’s degree in software development or computer sciences. If you aim to become a software developer in the future then you should focus more on courses which are directly connected to the software.

A software developer needs to have a strong imagination, because he needs to quickly imagine the right kind of theme for a software that he will develop. Other skills that play an important role in getting a high-paying job for software developers are; communication skills, technical skills, creativity, problem-solving skills, and analytical skills. When an ideal person has all the previously-mentioned skills and qualifications, he gets a great job with an awesome salary package which helps him to become a millionaire.

7. Entrepreneur

Average Hourly Salary: $48 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $100,000

Entrepreneurs gather ideas and create products and sell them in the market for a profit. Such people run various kinds of businesses from a minor online shop to a major company. Entrepreneurs are usually self-made, they work extremely hard to run their business successfully.

Entrepreneurs are critical thinkers who possess strong imagination and judging skills. They are born to be their own boss which is why their goal in life is to start their business and make it grow. In most cases, entrepreneurs spend the savings of their entire life on initiating a business and then work tirelessly to grow it. Successful businesses sell for a lot of money which is why entrepreneurs become millionaires.

To become an entrepreneur you do not need a degree of formal education, you can run a good business without proper education as well. However it could be a plus if you have a degree in business or marketing, your knowledge will help your business to flourish. So, education is helpful in every field of life.

6. Commercial Pilot

Average Hourly Salary: $50 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $105,000

Owing to the ongoing pilot shortage around the world, the demand for qualified pilots is increasing for every airline. There are more than 25000 air crafts in thousands of airline companies, creating unending job opportunities for qualified pilots.

It is a well-known fact that airline pilots are paid very high salaries but their salaries vary depending on many factors. The salary varies among different airlines, size of the aircraft, experience in terms of flying hours, job titles, etc.

Pilots do not have a fixed monthly salary rather they are paid for the hourly job. They also have very lucrative flying-related allowances. Since it is a highly technical job related to the lives of many people on board, it requires a good amount of experience and skills.

Mostly a bachelor’s degree is required for a pilot job but  experience is more important in this field. Some diplomas or courses might also be required to get this job. Once you get the job though, you will be paid extremely well. It is surely the job for you if you love to fly and want to become a millionaire at the same time.

5. Marketing Manager

Average Hourly Salary: $52 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $110,000

If you want to sell a product, marketing is the only way that will help you to do so. To help a company with their sales, a marketing manager is required who is responsible for promoting a product. Creating a marketing strategy for a product is a critical task and requires a lot of creative thinking abilities.

A marketing manager works with a lot of team members such as art directors, financial staff, sales agents, and advertising heads. He works tirelessly with his team to effectively promote the product. To get the job as a marketing manager you might need to work in the marketing field as a junior to get a lot of experience.

In this age of social media and the internet, every company needs to promote its products. Marketing and promoting a product on social media and other platforms increase the rate of sales immensely. That is why marketing manager jobs are repeatedly available for the right candidates.

A bachelor’s degree is a must for most advertising, promotions, and marketing management positions. Your work experience in the related field is also very important.

4. Lawyer

Average Hourly Salary: $54 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: 113,000

To get any kind of legal services you will always need to go to a lawyer. Lawyers give legal advice to individuals, companies, and even governments. They also represent their clients in their court proceedings. Since they have a strong understanding of laws and regulations, they give appropriate pieces of advice to their clients.

Lawyers are also responsible for preparing legal documents for their clients. They represent people in legal matters which is why they need to maintain the highest standards of law. Additionally, Lawyers need to maintain their credibility so people can trust them with their legal matters.

However, becoming a lawyer is not easy at all. It demands you to do extremely well in your studies because after high school, it takes 7 years to become a lawyer. Once you have a law degree, you will have to pass a state’s written bar examination to become a credible lawyer.

For example, Bill Neukom, a corporate attorney who is one of the most successful lawyers in the world is a millionaire!

3. Chief Executive Officer

Average Hourly Salary: $92 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $191,000

Chief executive officers are the deserving company leaders who are responsible for improving business strategies and the overall performance of the company. A company of any scale big or small needs a CEO to overlook and manage all the departments. CEOs make sure that all the tasks of the company are being fulfilled in time. They have a huge burden of responsibilities they need to take care of.

Since they are in charge of the whole company, they get a good salary package as well. If they work with multinational companies they earn even higher and achieve millionaire status much earlier.

As far as the qualification is concerned, the chief executive officer of a company needs to have a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a good amount of work experience in the related field. Meeting all the requirements will get you an amazing salary package.

For example, Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple is a billionaire and has been a part of Apple since 2011. With his dedication and hard work, he has made Apple a leading multinational technology company.

2. Psychiatrist

Average Hourly Salary: $93 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $193,000

By preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders, psychiatrists get highly paid. They are specialized in mental health and can guide/treat the patients for panic attacks, depressions, hopelessness, and many more mental health related problems. They are doctors who after completing the medical degree get specialized in psychiatry.-

Job opportunities for psychiatrists are found in private clinics, general and psychiatric hospitals, college and university medical centers, judiciary courts, major industries, government offices, military establishments, rehabilitation centers, emergency rooms, and many other places where mental pressure is quite obvious due to the nature of jobs.

Diagnosing the mental problems and developing treatment plans help the psychiatrists to earn a handsome amount of money. Some psychiatrists complete additional specialized training and get certified in fields like Child and adolescent psychiatry, Geriatric psychiatry, sleep medicine, etc. This advanced specialization helps them to earn even more money.

Listening to the already mentioned requirements may let you believe that the job of a psychiatrist is amazing and so easy but that is definitely not the case! A psychiatrists’ job is highly sensitive as he has to deal with already tense and depressed people who can be dangerous too. The experience and continuous study of the field are highly important for this job. A good psychiatrist can earn millions whereas, on the other hand, a bad psychiatrist with less knowledge and poor patient dealing tactics can ruin himself and his primary source of income.

1. Doctor / Surgeons

Average Hourly Salary: $110 per hour, Average Yearly Salary: $250,000 and up

Doctors, especially those who specialize further in a demanding field such as urology, dermatology, surgery, anesthesiology, etc. get the highest paying jobs in the world. The lifesavers work day and night to save and improve the lives of mankind.

The scope of this job is the highest because everyone in the world needs a doctor to treat various diseases. Though it is a tiring and difficult job with a huge responsibility, doctors do not have to invest much to earn profits. Their major investment is their degree and further qualification costs.

If a doctor is more qualified then surely he will get more pay and vice versa. It depends entirely on the doctor whether he wants to specialize in a specific field or he wants to be a general physician. The salary package is according to the level and field of specialty. The more challenging specialization the doctor has, the higher the pay will be.

The study for becoming a doctor is the most difficult one. You have to be an excellent student throughout your academic career if you want to become a well-reputed doctor. The merit standards to get admission to the medical university are the highest among all other academic fields. So, once they graduate after going through a rigorous study package, they surely deserve to get paid very well. Indeed, our “saviors”- the doctors, who do not care to work day and night to treat us like their own, who go to all limits to save our departing ones in their last breaths, who give us  hope of life during an illness, are arguably the most important of all other professions. What-ever profession you are in, you will need a doctor for you and your loved ones sooner or later, even the doctor himself!

So, which of the previously-mentioned professions would you choose and become a millionaire with your ultimate passion and desire.

Final Words:

It is famous that money is the most important thing in the world if you have it in less amounts. Unlike the past, earning money in any field other than business is much easier. As the world economy is growing continuously, the arrival of new industries/ companies is creating many lucrative job opportunities for many professional job-desiring people.

For a meaningful life, every sensible person commits himself to a good job in any company. Some employees are too motivated and passionate about their work whereas some are just passing their 30 days to get paid. Though they both get paid by the end of the month, in the long run, the one working harder with true passion will surely learn some good things to succeed in life. He will get promoted and will surely get more pay.

It is quite evident that the potential income is different in all sorts of jobs. The jobs with specific specializations pay the best. For all the previously-mentioned jobs, you must have some specialization in that particular field. Without experience and specialization, getting a good job in this era is very difficult. So now, it is your time to decide whether you should go for a high-paying job or you should establish your own business. The decision is all yours!