What Is High-Ticket Affiliate Marketing ?

Any type of marketing that involves electronic campaigns to convey promotional messages has become an essential part of almost all businesses in the world. Nowadays, digital marketing is used widely to increase the sales of a company. In this age of the internet / social media, leaving an impact on potential customers and convince them to buy the products has become one of the foremost priorities of any businessman. Affiliate marketing is a part of digital marketing in which a person promotes the products of a company on his blog, YouTube channel, or social media accounts and that same person gets commission from the owner of the company. Among many different types of affiliate marketing, one is high ticket affiliate marketing but what is High-ticket Affiliate Marketing ? With this type of marketing, the publishers choose fewer products to promote, they only select the products that generate higher commission for them. Let’s have a look at high ticket affiliate marketing in detail to understand how it works.

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Get higher commissions with fewer sales:

In traditional affiliate marketing, the marketer normally has to make a huge number of sales to earn his commission but high ticket affiliate marketing allows him to make a huge profit with fewer sales. By using this technique the marketer only sells the products that he knows will earn him a greater commission even on low sales. The products with high commission earning potential are known as high ticket items. These items give up to $1000 commission on their sales.

The high ticket items are the ones that retail at high prices, for example, gold jewelry or other expensive items. An affiliate marketer should be intelligent enough to find these items himself and then create the content around those products. Or the marketer can join the programs that will pay him the most.

High ticket affiliate program:

With a high ticket affiliate program, the affiliate will not have to spend a lot of his time promoting various products. Instead, he will select one high ticket item and spend all his energy on that item to earn a higher amount of commission.

For example, The affiliate programs like the Amazon affiliate program allow their affiliates to review as many products as they can, and in return, they get only a specified percentage of a commission. The commissions are very limited and the affiliate has to review hundreds of products to earn a good amount.

But if you join a program that is for high ticket items  you will have to review fewer items and earn a higher income in less time. That would have not been possible if you worked with low ticket items!

Why high ticket affiliate program is important?

The affiliate products in the market usually retail at low prices. The company cannot pay a good commission for a product that is already being sold at a low price. So, they can only give a specified percentage of commission. But high ticket items retail at much higher prices and the company can give a higher commission to you.

When you promote a course that sells at $75 and the commission is 40% you will get paid $30 as profit. But if you promote a course created by a famous or highly skilled person, the course itself sells for $350 so you will earn $140 at each sale!

To earn more money you will have to do the math and try to find such products that will earn you a commission of $1000. You will only have to make 10 sales a month and you will be sorted out for your expenses. Such opportunities exist, all you need is to be more mindful and intelligent.

Where to find high ticket products?

Finding high ticket products can be a difficult task because mostly there are low ticket websites giving you less commission. Do not worry though, we have got you covered and here are a few programs that will pay you more in less time.

  • ClickFunnels:

An army of affiliates and sub-affiliates are present at click funnels to sell their products which makes it a phenomenal affiliate program. They even offer a 14 day free trial. Clickfunnels pays a 40% commission and has two plans from which you can choose. Basically, you earn $38 or $118 per month for each basic sale made through your affiliate link. The game changes when you succeed in making the sale of their big budgeted products like funnel builder secret which retails at $1997 and will pay you $798. The best part is that click funnels can be customized according to your likes and dislikes. Click funnels are normally the top priority for affiliate marketers.

Related: Clickfunnels Review

  • Hammacher Schlemmer:

Americas’s longest-running and well-known brand is Hammacher Schlemmer. Their most expensive product retails at $65,000 and they promise you a commission of 8% which means you will be able to earn $4000-$5200 which is a huge amount. For such a product you cannot expect to make sales every day, once, twice or even three times a month is pretty good. A single product will require extensive research for keywords, everything will be required to be SEO optimized to rank on the first page. It will help reaching out to more people and make more sales to earn more money.

  • Hubspot:

Hubspot are full fledge internet marketing tools hub for small to medium scale businesses. They have different types of packages in which the commission rates increase. In the basic package, $250 is given as commission, the professional package gives $500 as a commission and the enterprise package, even up to $1000 is given.

  • Shopify Plus:

Shopify is the best available solution for retailers. On Shopify, you will see small as well as large-scale retailers. Shopify is easy to use hence it is famous among retailers around the world. For normal products, the commission would be less because they are low ticket items. But for Shopify plus products commission is up to $2000. So, Shopify Plus holds a good amount for you to earn.

Advantages of promoting high ticket items:

As anyone can guess, high ticket items come with more advantages as compared to low ticket items. Let’s have a look at all those advantages that can come by promoting high ticket items:

  • You get to learn a lot. It will teach you high-income skills and how to manage high income. You will also learn skills like sales and marketing.
  • You earn more for each sale that is made by using your affiliate link.
  • You can achieve your financial goals faster with high ticket items because you potentially earn 10x more than by selling low ticket items.
  • It takes pretty much the same effort to promote a high ticket item just like you would need for a low ticket item.
  • They offer more value and better quality of life most of the time!

Final words:

If you are someone who has the ability to promote the sales of a company then affiliate marketing is the best job for you. The better option is to go for high ticket affiliate marketing because it will help you earn more money with less time and effort. You will earn high profits with each sale being made by using your affiliate link!

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